Sunday, March 11, 2012

When Monopoly Wasn't a Game...

·      Be able to Identify the following people:

o   George Armstrong Custer
§  Vain and headstrong (possibly deranged)
§  Led the attack on Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull
§  Led his 250 men into a direct frontal assault on the 2,000-4,000 Indians awaiting his attack.
§  Colonel during Civil War
·      Appomattox Courthouse
o   J. P. Morgan
§  1837-1913
§  Son of a Banker
§  Was one of the Robber Barons
§  By 1900, he owned half of America’s track mileage (railroads)
·      His friends owned most of the rest
§  Helped Andrew Carnegie start U.S. Steel
o   W.E.B. Du Bois
§  African-American Activist
§  Wrote the Souls of Black Folks
§  Became a prominent leader Harlem Renaissance
o   James Butler “Wild Bill” Hickok
§  Famous Cowboy
§  Only shot two people while presiding over Abilene
·      One was a policeman
o   Theodore Roosevelt
§  During Spanish-American War Assistant Secretary of the Navy
§  Admired cowboy spirit
§  26th President
§  Leader of the Rough Riders
§  Republican Party put him in the Vice President candidacy so he would get out of the way
§  McKinley gets shot an Teddy becomes president
§  Teddy Bear named after him because he was warm and cuddly
o   Grover Cleveland
§  Election of 1892 he captured the White House
§  22nd & 24th president
·      He was only president to win two terms but not consecutively
o   Eugene Debs
§  1855-1926
§  Communist
§  Began work as a locomotive fireman
§  In the midst of a severe economic depression in 1893, Debs organized the militant American Railway Union
·      Absorbed remnants  of the Knights of Labor and called for a strike in 1894 against the Pullman Car Company (train cars)
o   President Cleveland called troops to suppress the strike
o   Debs was arrested and jailed for contempt of court in Chicago
§  He later joined the Socialist Party and ran for President FIVE times
o   Benjamin Harrison
§  William Harrison's grandson
o   William McKinley
§  President during the Spanish-American War
§  25th President
§  Assassinated by Leon Czolgosz
§  Begun the era of American Imperialism
·      Expansion of American holdings/lands
§  Tried to go for peace during Span-Am War but the powerful men who wanted it pushed until he had to
o   John D. Rockefeller
§  1839-1937
§  Bookkeeper by training
§  Was hired to investigate the investment promise of oil
·      Told the investors there was “no future” and invested in it himself
§  Bought his first oil refinery in 1862
§  With some partners formed the South Improvement Company
·      So corrupt it was forced out of business
§  Formed Standard Oil of Cleveland in 1870
·      Bought off whole legislatures
·      Made secret deals with railroads to obtain favorable rates
·      Weakened rivals through bribery and sabotage until Rockefeller could buy them out with Standard Oil stock
·      By 1879, Standard controlled anywhere from 90-98 percent of the nation’s refining capacity
·      In 1899, Standard Oil had been transformed into a “holding company” with diversified interests
o   Including the Chase Manhattan Bank
§  Rockefeller’s attorney, Samuel C. T. Dodd (he was looking for ways around State laws governing corporations), invented the “trust”
·      Rockefeller didn’t have to worry about breaking corporate antimonopoly laws
o   Crazy Horse

·      Be able to discuss the Importance of the following:

o   The assassination of William McKinley
§  Killed by Leon Czolgosz
§  In Buffalo, NY in Sep. 1901
§  After McKinley died Theodore Roosevelt becomes president
o   The Robber Barons and what they did
§  Jay Gould, Cornelius Vanderbilt, J. P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller
§  They raised their form of thievery to sound business organizations and called them “trusts”
o   The Jungle
§  Considered one of the last books to impact society
§  The meatpacking industry was changed
§  The FDA was created by Theodore Roosevelt to oversee food health
§  Upton Sinclair –author, intended to impact the immigrant conditions, but America was caught up in the Meat industry portion
o   Why the Spanish American War was fought?
§  Officially: To liberate Cuba, a Spanish colony
§  Unofficially: Because of political and economic reasons
·      Land that was good for growing
·       A war caused by powerful men who all wanted something
o   Henry Cabot Lodge
o   Theodore Roosevelt
o   Alfred Mahan
o   William R Hearst
o   Joseph Pulitzer
·      Most of the men wanted to spread the American imperialism that had started
·      Manifest destiny was rampant
§  Josiah Strong wrote an influential book that claimed America was the center of the powerful Aryan race
o   Wounded Knee
§  December 28, 1890
·      350 men, women and children were taken to an encampment at Wounded Knee, South Dakota
§  As the Indians were surrendering their weapons to the soldiers, the gun of a deaf Indian named Black Coyote discharged
·      Whether it was an accident or deliberate has yet to be determined
§  Soldiers immediately opened fire on the unarmed Natives and killed at least 150 (if not as many as 300) Indians
§  This was the Indian’s “last stand”
o   Custer’s Last Stand
§  Summer of 1876
§  Battle of Little Big Horn
§  Custer led 250 men in a direct frontal assault
·      Ignoring the warning from 2,000-4,000 Indians
§  Natives led by Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull destroyed all but one of Custer’s men
·      They allowed a half-breed scout to escape
§  In the newspapers it sounded like the natives attacked Custer and his men. People demanded total warfare on the Sioux.
o   Jim Crow
§  Jim Crow was wedged into the language as a synonym for Negro. Jim Crow railroad cars came first, and then came the separations of waiting rooms, factory entrances and even windows. The most damaging separation was the separation of educations. Ultimately, Jim Crow meant the ending of black power to vote in the south because of poll taxes.
o   Separate But Equal
§  Homer Plessy was a half white half black man who was arrested because he sat in a train seat that was reserved for white people. The Supreme Court was, unfortunately, in support of the corporation as people under the fourteenth amendment so this case gave a new idea, “separate but equal” meaning that states could legally separate races in public accommodations. Of course they were never equal.
o   How the 14th Amendment was used to protect corporations 
§  The court systems would count them as people instead of state businesses so they would discriminate against blacks.
o   The Panama Canal 
§  Ferdinand de Lesseps started
§  Got the start-up in the press/news from when a ship (the Oregon) took a long time to get from California to Cuba during the Span-Am War
§  The French attempted to build the canal, but disease and jungle prevented that.
·      They literally just left machinery there to rust
§  For America, Roosevelt had to decide whether to build the canal through what was then Columbia or Nicaragua
§  US decided to create a new country on Columbian territory because Columbia was asking too high a price to build the canal
§  W/ US help the Panamanians revolted against the Columbians and Panama was recognized as a new country in no time
§  The US started to build but disease ran rampant and people wouldn’t believe that mosquitoes carried disease until a railroad builder allowed a doctor who knew to vaccinate everyone
§  There were many more blacks from the Caribbean who worked on the canal and they were treated poorly
§  The construction was finished under president Taft
o   Roosevelt and his “big stick” 
§  The famous quote “Speak softly and carry a big stick”
§  Supposed to represent the idea that by actually having security you don’t need to talk about it

·      Other questions:

o   What lands did America get from winning the Spanish-American War?
§  Puerto Rico
§  Manila
§  Wake Island
§  Guam
§  The Philippines
§  Cuba
o   How did this war make America an Imperial Country?
§  This war spawned another war in the Philippines
§  The Philippine War was bloodier and longer than the Spanish-American War
§  America had set her sights on a pacific empire after the annexation of Hawaii
o   How did Theodore Roosevelt rise in politics?
§  Originally the Assistant Secretary of the Navy
§  Then takes commission of a First Volunteer Calvary
§  He comes back a war hero
§  Uses the Heroism status to book a place into politics and the Whitehouse
§  Becomes vice-president
§  Then with the assassination of McKinley becomes president
o   Spain declared war on American on April 24th, 1898
o   Bull Moose Party
§  Progressive party because Teddy claimed to be as healthy as a bull moose
§  He also liked to kill things (Big hunter)
o   Teddy Roosevelt was the youngest president at 41
o   Spanish-American War Deaths
§  Deaths 5462
§  Casualties 379
§  Diseases
·      Yellow Fever
o   Roosevelt began the construction of the Panama Canal by starting a Revolution in Columbia

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