Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Chapter 21

How did corrupt political bosses get voters for their parties?
Did favors for people - turkey dinners and summer boat rides
Provided jobs for immigrants
Helped needy families

Why were journalists important to the reform movement?
They exposed injustices and corruption. They wrote newspaper and magazine articles that brought problems to the attention of the public. They were called muckrakers.

What amendment provided for the direct election of senators?
The 17th Amendment 

What amendment provided for woman suffrage?
The 19th amendment

What is arbitration?
Settling a dispute by agreeing to accept the decision of an impartial outsider

Why did progressives form their own political party? 
They supported Roosevelt and were angry that Taft received the nomination on the first ballot. They formed their own party so Roosevelt could run for President and fix Taft's mess (or what they thought was a mess).

What was the purpose of the Federal Reserve Act?
To regulate banking. The act gave the government more control over banking 

What is discrimination?
"Unequal treatment because of their race, religion, ethnic background, or place of birth"

What did Dr. Carlos Montezuma think about Native American reservations?
He thought that Native Americans should leave reservations and make their way in white society.

Why did Mexican Americans organize mutualistas?
They were self-defense associations to raise money for insurance and legal help. 

How did the 17th amendment give people a greater voice in government? 
It provided for the DIRECT election of senators. It gave the people a voice in selecting their representatives. 

Why was the railroad industry subject to money government regulations? 
Their rates were too high so reformers tried to regulate the prices but were shut down by the Supreme Court.

Identify how these laws promote justice and ensure citizens right? 
The 19th Amendment: Woman had the right to vote 
Recall: Enabled voters to remove unsatisfactory elected officials from their jobs
Initiative: Allowed citizens to place a measure or issue on the ballot in a state election
Referendum: Gave voters the opportunity to accept or reject measures that the state legislature enacted 

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