Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Chapter 23 Questions

1) What ideas or ideologies lead to World War I beginning? 
Serbian search for independence

2) Outline the specific events in 1914 that led to a World War.

The Serbians wanted to be recognized as an independent nation
Franz Ferdinand assassinated
Many people with alliances lashed out at the Serbians
Serbians lashed back
And the fighting began

3) What advancements in technology help create massive causalities?

Poison Gas
Machine Guns
Armored Tanks
German U-Boat

4) How did the forming of alliances increase the likelihood of war?

Each side posed as a bigger threat with the more allies it gained. The more threatened each side felt, the more they felt the need to protect themselves.

5) List the Allies and the Central Powers during the war.

Great Britain
Russia (for awhile)
United States

Ottoman Empire (Turks)

Belgium (until it declared war on Germany in 1839)

6) Explain how World War in Europe brought an economic boom for the United States.
They were suppling the US troops and other Allies with food, war-related goods, weapons and such things. 

7) Briefly discuss the importance of the following battles: Marne, Verdun, Somme, Gallipoli, Argonne 

September 5-12, 1914
Marne River few miles east of Paris
Saved Paris from invasion by the Germans and boosted French morale
Made is clear that neither side was going to win the war easily or quickly

February-December 1916 (on and off)
Northeastern France
Trench warfare
Germans made small gains but lost after the French counterattacked
One of the longest and bloodiest battles of the war
More than 750,000 French & German soldiers died

July 1916
Northern France
High number of casualties
Allies only gain 7 miles in the offensive

April 25, 1916 - January 9, 1916
French and British wanted to capture Istanbul and secure a sea route to Russia
They failed
Heavy Casualties on both sides - Allies = 220,000 Central = 251,000
First major battle undertaken by the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (considered the birth of national consciousness of the these countries)
The Turkish struggle eventually led to the Turkish War of Independence and the establishment of the Republic of Turkey 8 years later under Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

Argonne Forest:
September-November 1918
West of Verdun
More than a million Americans join Allies
Raged for nearly seven weeks
Soldiers struggled through heavily forested ground, rain, mud, barbed wire, and withering fire from German machine guns
Many Casualties
Allies finally pushed back the Germans and broke through enemy lines
Allies invaded Germany

8) Who was the U.S. General in Command during the war?

General John J. Pershing

9) Write three questions of your own based on information that you found interesting in these sections.

What really caused the US to enter the war?
Would Germany have been as successful if they hadn't invaded Belgium?
How did the the American public react to President Wilson's wife took a leading political role?

PG 692

5) Why did European nations form alliances?
To increase trade, influence, troops and power. 

6) Why did the Zimmerman telegram push the US toward war?
The German's had tried to bride the Mexican's into fighting for them. German's told the Mexican's that if the fought for them then they would get their land back that was lost to the American's in the Mexican-Americna War

7) What was the Sussex Pledge?
Germany pledged to not target passenger ships, not attack merchant ships unless war supplies were onboard, and to not sink the chips until all passengers and crew had be saved. 

8) Who won the presidency in the election on 1916?
Woodrow Wilson

9) How did Russia's withdrawal affect WWI?
The Allies needed more troops 
In 1918 Vladimir Lenin signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany which surrendered Poland, the Ukraine and other territory to the Germans. 
Allowed Germans to moved thousands of troops from the Eastern Front to the Western Front in France

10) In what ways did the war help improve conditions for American workers?
The government needed them to produce the goods for the war so they needed the workers to do the jobs so more jobs were made available and they were also able to form Unions.

11) Who were the leaders at the Paris Peace Conference?
President Woodrow Wilson of the US
Prime Minister David Lloyd George of Great Britain
Premier Georges Clemenceau of France
Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando of Italy

12) What was Henry Cabot Lodge's greatest concern about the League of Nations?
That if the US joined to League of Nations that American troops and ships may be called to any part of the world by a nation other than the US. 

13) What advantages did airplanes provide in the war?

14) How did President Wilson use Russia's revolution in March of 1917 to gain support for the war?
Many American's thought that Russia's new government would help the Allies. Wilson could then claim that the Allies were fighting a war of democracy against autocracy.

15) What four nations dominated the Paris Peace Conference?
Great Britain

16) Explain the causes of the labor shortage in the United States during the war.
It provided new job opportunities for women and minorities. Many woman joined the workforce for the first time and were hired for jobs previously held by men. 
It also brought thousands of African AMericans to Northern cities.
Thousands of Mexican's also migrated to the US 

17) Prepare an outline of Section 5 of the text.


o   Europe was destroyed

o   Nearly 9 million worldwide soldier deaths
o   Millions of people were homeless and hungry
o   Wilson’s Fourteen Points
§  Several points concerned the adjustment of boundaries in Europe and the creation of new nations
§  Wilson believed in national ‘self-determination’
§  A number of Wilson’s principles the issue of international relations
·      Free trade
·      Freedom of seas
·      End to secret treaties or agreements
·      Reductions and limits on arms
·      Peaceful settlement of disputes over colonies
o   League of Nations
§  The League’s member nations would help preserve peace and prevent future wars by pledging to respect and protect one another’s territory and political independence
o   Four big leaders of conference
§  President Wilson of US
§  Prime Minister David Lloyd George of Great Britain
§  Premier Georges Clemenceau of France
§  Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando of Italy
o   The Allies Disagree
§  Wilson opposed punishing the defeated nations but European Allies were out for revenge
§  Some Allies wanted Germany:
·      To be broken into smaller countries
·      Make large payments for the damage they caused
§  France, Britain and the US all feared the spread of communism and sent troops into Russia
o   The Treaty of Versailles
§  June 28, 1919
§  Germany had to:
·      Accept FULL responsibility for the war
·      Pay billions of dollars in reparations to the Allies
·      Disarm completely
·      Give up its overseas colonies and some territory in Europe
§  Carved up the Austro-Hungarian and Russian Empires to create new nations or restore old ones.
o   Treaty of Versailles went to US Senate in 1919 for ratification
o   Some Americans thought the treaty was too harsh
o   Henry Cabot Lodge thought that if the US joined to League of Nations that American troops and ships might be called to any part of the world by a nation other than the US. 
o   Wilson has a stroke in September
§  His wife Edith tried to shield him from the pressures of responsibility and took a leading role in deciding what issues were important enough to raise with Woodrow
o   The Treaty is Rejected
§  March 1920 the Senate voted on the treaty with Lodge’s changes
§  The treaty and the League of Nations was rejected
§  In 1921 the US signed a separate peace treaty with each of the Central Powers
§  US never joined the League of Nations 

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