Friday, March 16, 2012

Chapter 21 Importance

·      Political Bosses
o   To gain voters
§  Did favors for people
·      Turkey dinners and summer boat rides
§  Provided jobs for immigrants
§  Helped needy families
o   To gain monies
§  Accepted bribes
§  Received campaign contributions from contractors hoping to do business in the city
§  Accepted kickbacks
·      An arrangement in which contractors padded the amount of their bill for city work for city work
o   “Kicked back” a percentage of that amount to the bosses
·      Acts
o   Pendleton Act
§  1883
§  Established Civil Service Commission
§  Set up competitive exams for federal jobs
·      Applicants had to demonstrate their abilities
o   Sherman Antitrust Act
§  1890
§  First federal law to control trusts and monopolies
o   Interstate Commerce Act
§  1887
§  Required railroads to charge reasonable and just rates and to publish those rates
o   Meat Inspection Act
§  1906
§  Prevent adulterated or misbranded meat products from being sold
o   Pure Food and Drug Act
§  1906
§  Requiring accurate labeling of food and medicine and banning the sale of harmful food
·      Eugene V. Debs
o   Helped find the American Socialist Party in 1898
o   Ran for president FIVE times but never received more than 6% of the popular vote
·      Muckrakers
o   Journalists who exposed injustices and corruption
o   Wrote newspaper and magazine articles that brought problems to the attention of the public
·      Oregon System
o   Initiative
§  Allowed citizens to place a measure or issue on the ballot in a stat election
o   Referendum
§  Gave voters the opportunity to accept or reject measure that the state legislator enacted
o   Recall
§  Enabled voters to remove unsatisfactory elected officials from their jobs

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