Thursday, January 26, 2012

POW History Book Questions

  • Chapter 15!
    • What was the purpose of the Missouri Compromise?
      • To settle arguments about slavery
    • List the five parts of the Compromise of 1850.
      • Fugitive Slave Act
        • Provided federal jurisdiction to assist slave owners in the recovery of escaped slaves
      • California was admitted as a free state
      • New Mexico and Utah were organized without restrictions on slavery
      • Texas, also unrestricted as to slavery, had its boundaries set and received $10 million for the land that came to be New Mexico
      • The slave trade (but not slavery itself) was abolished in the District of Columbia
    • What was Stephen Douglas's solution to the slavery issue in the Kansas and Nebraska territories?
      • He proposed abandoning the Missouri Compromise and letting the settlers choose whether or not to allow slavery
    • How did Abraham Lincoln become a national figure in politics?
      • Lincoln was one of the first politicians to stick up for slaves. He thought that if a man worked for what he earned that he was an equal. 
    • What was the Dred Scott decision? What did it mean for those opposed to slavery?
      • Dred Scott was a slave whose master joined the army as a surgeon and Scott followed him. When Scott's master, Dr. Emerson, died, Dred Scott sued for his freedom, because he had lived in places where slavery was illegal, he was technically free. The case went to the Missouri Supreme Court, and Scott and his family were denied their freedom. 
      • The court decided that because Scott was a slave, slaves were considered property, that under the fifth amendment, Congress could not take away property without "due process of law".
      • The Republicans and other antislavery groups were outraged and thought the decision was "the greatest crime" and "a wicked and false judgment".
    • Why were there four parties and candidates in the president election of 1860?
      • The Democratic party split over the slavery issue and nominated two candidates in separate conventions. The Republicans were a new party made up of northern Whigs and others. They were against expansion of slavery and opposed Buchanan. The long existing Whig party died. 
    • How did Lincoln plan to prevent secession?
      • He said that secession would not be permitted, vowing to hold federal property in the South and to enforce the laws of the US.
  • Chapter 16!
    • From 1861 to 1865
    • They had a strong support from their white, Southern population. They were defending their territory. They had a stronger military leadership. 
    • Abraham Lincoln (Union) and Jefferson Davis (Confederacy)
    • Nine days after the start of the war, a train of Union soldiers was mobbed by Confederates in baltimore. When medical got to DC Barton tended to wounded soldiers. Then after the First Battle of Bull Run, Barton was given a pass by General William Hammond to ride in army ambulances to provide comfort to the soldiers, at first without success. Finally, on August 3, she obtained permission to travel to the front lines, eventually reaching some of the grimmest battlefields of the war and serving during the Siege of Petersburg and Richmond, Virginia. She delivered supplies and aided the union. She helped surgeons with supplies and helped in the operations for the entire war.
    • It would keep the south from exporting cotton and importing supplies for the war. 
    • This was a battle where the Confederates outnumbered the Union but the Union won because of their suprise attack. The Confederate Army lost 7,000+ men. 
    • All slaves in the Confederate Southern states were free forever!!!
    • The Union yet the African Americans fight which aided them because they knew the lay of the land.
    • When most of their slaves ran away it left their farmlands in ruin. Their cotton production went way down and trade was cut by as much as 2/3.
    • Lee's soldiers had to lay down their arms, but then were free to go home, keep their horses and got enough food for three days. 
    • They were not happy. Most of them moved because they did not want to secede from the Union. 
    • Who ever had control of the rivers had control of all the trade routs and the river also acted as a barrier for the North after they gained control of it. 
    • Both sides of the War needed soldiers and both sides didn't have them so most of the African American were happy to fight for them because it was for their freedom. 
    • He had professional military training as well as experience, and was minded and bold. 

1 comment:

  1. How many men did the Confederates lose at Gettysburg?
