Thursday, January 5, 2012

Chapter 12 Questions

1) What was Manifest Destiny? 
The American's idea that they had a  right/destiny to extend its boundaries across the entire North American continent.

2) The Oregon Territory consisted of what area? Who claimed it?
It lay between the Pacific Ocean, Rocky Mountains and north of California; what is now Oregon, Washington, Idaho, parts of Montana and Wyoming, also including about half of British Canada. The United States claimed land based on Gray's discovery on the Columbia River and Lewis & Clark's discovery. Great Britain's claimed land was based on British explorations of the Columbia River. Spain claimed California, and Russia was in control of land that stretched south from AK into Oregon.

3) Who were the Mountain Men?
Merchants that traded for furs that the Native Americans supplied. They spent most of their time in the Rocky Mountains.

4) Why was the Oregon Trail important?
Oregon fever swept the Mississippi in the early 1840s. The Panic of 1837  hit the region hard and they formed groups to gather information on Oregon and how to get there. The pioneers then gathered all their supplies and moved west in their prairie schooners.

5) Discuss the meaning behind the slogan "Fifty-Four Forty or Fight"?
The slogan for the Democrat party referred to the line of latitude that they believed should be the nation's northern border in Oregon, if it wasn't this way they were going to war!

6) James Polk made what promises to the American public during the election of 1844 (list four - you might need to look up on the internet).
To acquire California from Mexico
To settle the Oregon dispute
To lower the tariff
To establish a sub-treasury
To retire from office after only 4 years (1 term)

7) Discuss how Texas became independent.
Four days before the fall of the Alamo, American settlers and Tejanos declared independence from Mexico and established the Republic of Texas. Texas didn't become a state until 1845 under President Polk.

8) Discuss the battles of The Alamo and San Jacinto.
The Texans, lead by Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, and William B. Travis, fought off Santa Anna's army with rifle fire. On March 6, 1836, Mexican cannon fire broke down the walls of the Alamo. The defenders killed many Mexicans as they crossed open land and tried to climb the walls. There were to many Mexicans to fend off! They entered the fortress and killed Travis, Crockett, Bowie and all other defenders. 

San Jacinto: 
One April 21th, the Texans launched a surprise attack on the Mexicans. They were yelling , "Remember the Alamo! Remember Goliad!" They killed over 600 soldiers and took about 700 captives. On May 14, 1836, Santa Anna signed a treaty that recognizes the independence of Texas.

9) How long did it take the U.S. to annex Texas? Why?
Houston asked Jackson to annex Texas in September 1836. It officially became a state on December 29, 1845. It took about eight years because Jackson and others thought that the addition of another slave state would upset the ratio of free states to slave states. 

10) How did the Mexican-American War start? Why did it start? Was it a "Just War"?
President Polk provoked Mexico. Mexico wasn't paying America for the losses in the Texan War for independence because of border disputes. The Mexicans rejected many of the state's offers to purchase California and New Mexico territory for $30 million. James Polk approached Congress and his cabinet and they decided to send an army to get the money. The Americans set up a fort above the Rio Grande.

The War started because America wanted control of California and the New Mexico Territory (modern day New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and parts of Colorado and Utah.)

The 'Just War' term was used to describe the Mexican-American War because Mexico invaded territories that had been claimed by the U.S., though the American's were too stubborn and absent-minded to recognize that Mexico had also placed claims on the land.

11) What was the American response to the war? 
Some supported and some opposed the war. Some called the war unfounded while others thought it was Manifest Destiny at work. 

12) List the major battles of the war.
Battle of Monterrey
Battle of Mexico City
Battle of Buena Vista

13) What was the cost of the war?

$125 million
1721 Americans dead in war
11,000+ lost to disease

14) Why was the California Gold Rush important?
The Gold Rush boosted economy and population while also making California more prosperous. Also lead some Mormons to Utah in search of religious freedom.

15) Answer the following questions on page 380 - 
The countries compromised and decided to set the boundary at 49 degrees North.

The addition of another slave state would upset the ratio of non-slave states to slave states.

It would create an ocean borders between America and other nations instead of having a foreign power as the border. By making the ocean the border is safer.

Mexico refused to sell California and New Mexico to the Americans. 
The United States annexed Texas, which the Mexicans thought was illegal.

The gold miners had no other place to purchase their supplies such as food, so the merchants could charge them what ever price they wanted. 

The States almost doubled the size of America by adding California, Texas and the New Mexico Territory. The new border was modified to be cut off at the Rio Grande and to be the ocean.

They were extremely upset and though it was ridiculous.  >=(

The British and the Americans were unable to come to a compromise. Although, in the Mexican-American War case, the Americans were interested in taking all of the land rather than just expanding North. When a compromise was not reached, the war began.

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