Friday, September 9, 2011

Things to Know for Test

1) What was Columbus looking for?
A passage to the India to retrieve spices and gold

2) Why was a passage to India important for European countries to find?

3) How did the crusades change European and how did it lead to the exploration of the "New World"?

4) How did tobacco change the course of America (particularly the Virginia colony)?

5) Discuss the rise of self-government in America (make sure you note the House of Burgesses, the Mayflower Compact and the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut).

6) How did religion play an essential role in the shaping of the early colonies?

7) Discuss why early colonists came to America (the various reasons - begin to relate these to the American Dream and the American Character).

8) What was the Great Migration?

9) What was the renaissance and how does it fit with the exploration of the Americas?

10) Where the 1st Europeans to the Americas "Explorers" or "Invaders"? Please justify your answer.

11) How did the English distance the relationship between indentured whites and black slaves? Why did they fear a relationship between the two?

12) Please to list at least six colonies and why they were formed (and by what settlers).

13) Know the following people: John Rolfe, John Smith, John Winthrop, Anne Hutchinson, Roger Williams, William Bradford, John Wheelright, Jacques Marquette, Samuel de Champlain, Squanto, Samoset.

14) What is the difference between the Separatists and Puritians?

15) Why were women brought to Virginia in 1619?
They were brought to be sold as wives for the settlers. Their price was 120 pounds of tobacco

16) When did the 1st Africans come to the English colonies? Where? What was the purpose of importing them (be specific)?

17) According to Zinn why were Africans easier to force into labor than Native Americans or poor white immigrants?

18) What were the first 13 colonies?
1607 Virginia (Jamestown
1620/1630 Massachusetts (Plymouth was founded in 1620. Massacusetts as a whole was founded in 1630)
1626 New York
1633 Maryland
1636 Rhode Island
1636 Conneticut
1638 Delaware
1638 New Hampshire
1653 North Carolina
1663 South Carolina
1664 New Jersey
1682 Pennsylvania
1732 Georgia
19) What was important about the Spanish Armada?

Had the Spanish Armada not attacked the English, England would not have defeated them. If they had not defeated the armada, England would not have aided in the discovery of America

20) List the first three colonies in North America, the current United States (note: two are Spanish).
1564 ~ Fort Caroline in Florida
1565 ~ Saint Augustine in Florida
1585 ~ Roanoke Colony in Virginia Colony

21) When was Quebec founded?
Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec in 1608

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