Thursday, September 8, 2011

Amanda, Hannah & MayMay's notes on 'Don't Know Much About History'

  • In 1492 Columbus sort of discovered America
  • August 3rd 1492  Columbus sailed out of Spain with three ships
    • Nina 
    • Pinta
    • Santa Maria
  • October 12 the crew threatened to mutiny aboard the Pinta when a lookout named Rodrigo sighted moonlight shimmering on some cliffs or sand
    • Columbus took credit for see land because the first man to see land was promised a large reward
  • The only gold he found was in the natives' earrings
  • The only spice he found was tobacco
    • Tobacco was brought to Spain in 1555
  • Columbus's need for gold drove him to enslave the natives
  • Marco Polo's journey to China and back started the fever for adventure, riches and spices
  • Leif Eriksson reached America and established a colony around 1000 A.D.
    • Vinland in present-day Newfoundland
  • Bjarni Herjolfsson was the first European to see North America in 985 or 986
  • Thorfinn Karlsefni set up housekeeping in Eriksson's spot
    • He also faced troubles with the local Eskimos
  • Some people think the Irish sailed to America in the 9th or 10th century
    • No proof!
  • Other myths...
    • A Welshman Modoc established a colony and taught the local Indians to speak Welsh
    • The Oriental people sailed to the coast of California
  • Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot)
    • 1496 he sailed for the British to try and find a trade route to Asia
    • 1498 Cabot disappeared with four ships
  • Juan Ponce de Leon
    • first European to set foot on what would become the United States
    • He was searching for the fountain of youth, but found and named Florida instead
      • He also found Mexico on this voyage
  • Giovanni de Verrazano was employed by the French and he was searching for a strait through the new world that would take him west ward to the Orient. 
    • He reach land at Cape fear in the Carolinas 
    • He sailed up the Atlantic coat until he found Newfoundland and then returned to France. 
  • People arrived in America 30-40 thousand years ago. 
  • People came over from Russia over the land bridge to Alaska 
    • Seeking warmer climate they moved south killing the mammoth along the way. 
  • When Columbus arrived there were millions of first Americans
    • They were divided into hundreds of tribal societies the most advanced being the Mayas. Aztecs and Incas 
  • Columbus and the other European explorers killed off a large percentage of the natives. 
  • Amerigo Vespucci and Alonso de Hojeda sailed to south America in 1499 and reach the mouth of the Amazon. 
  • Had the English not defeated the Spanish Armada they would never have come over to the new world and aided in the discovery of America. 
  • 1499 Amerigo Vespucci sailed for South America and landed in the Amazon. 
  • 1513 Ponce de Leon searching for the fountain of youth, finds and names Florida. 
  • 1531 Pizarro invades Peru and conquers the Incas. 
  • Sebastian Cabot 
    • 1553 he organized a expedition to find a way over the top of Russia (North East passage) 
  • 1576 Sir Humphrey Gilbert first used the phrase North West passage when describing a sea route around North America. 
  • 1578 Martin Frobisher reached the North East coast of Canada. 
  • 1609 Henry Hudson went on the voyage in which he discovered the bay, river, and strait later named after him. 
  • 1585 Sir Walter Raleigh tried to establish a colony on a Roanoke island. 
  • 1586 Sir Francis Drake found the colonist hungry and went back to England to fetch supplies. 
  • Raleigh sent a group of 107 men women and children to Roanoke.
  • 1590 Raleigh returned to Roanoke and no one was there. 
  • 1605 Two groups of merchant formed the joint stock company and petitioned King James I. for the right to colonize Virginia 
    • The Virginia company of London was given southern Virginia 
    • Plymouth company got northern Virginia 
    • They were looking for gold silver and copper 
  • December 20, 1607, 104 colonists left England under Caption John New Port and reached Chesapeake Bay in may, 1607 and founded Jamestown. 
  • Caption John Smith joined Bartholomew Gosnold in 1605 to venture into Virginia. 
  • John Rolfe married Pocahontas which created peace between the Natives and Jamestown
  • In 1612 Rolfe crossed Virginia tobacco with a seed from a milder Jamaican leaf
  • House of Burgesses first met in 1619
    • Burgess
      • a person invested with all the French bourgeois
  •  In 1619 a shipload of women were sent to the New World to be sold as wives for the settlers
    • They sold for 120 pounds of tobacco
  • In 1619, 20 African slaves first came to Jamestown
  • 1620, the pilgrims arrive in Plymouth via the Mayflower
  • Mayflower Compact
    • The first written constitution in North America
  • Squanto saved the settlers from starvation in the following spring after their arrival
  • Samoset helped the Pilgrims make peace with Massasoit and the Wampanoags
  • 1630 john Winthrop establishes Massachuesets
  • 1634, 200 settlers arrive at Chesepeake Bay and found St. Mary's in Maryland
  • 1636 Reverend Thomas Hooker leads a group to conneticut
  • 1636 Roger Williams is banished from Massachusetts and establishes Rhode Island
  • The Dutch founded New Netherland in the Hudson Valley
  • 1626 Dutch established the city of New Amsterdam (later New York) 
  • 1664 English took New Amsterdam from the Dutch
    • It was renamed New York after its new owner, the Duke of York
  • Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec in 1608
  • 1682 William Penn founded Pennsylvania
    • founded to be a safe haven for the Quakers to worship
    • Pennsylvania also permitted religious tolerance for all
  • 1607 Virginia (Jamestown
  • 1620/1630 Massachusetts (Plymouth was founded in 1620. Massacusetts as a whole was founded in 1630
  • 1626 New York
  • 1633 Maryland
  • 1636 Rhode Island
  • 1636 Conneticut
  • 1638 Delaware
  • 1638 New Hampshire
  • 1653 North Carolina
  • 1663 South Carolina
  • 1664 New Jersey
  • 1682 Pennsylvania
  • 1732 Georgia

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