Monday, October 24, 2011

PG 135 Questions

  1. The Colonists were desperate for new revenue, the king and Parliament thought it was only fair that the colonists pay part of the cost.
    1. Writs of assistance were legal documents that allowed officers to enter any location to search for smuggled goods. 
    2. The Virginia assembly passed a resolution declaring that they were the only ones with the right to lay taxes.
    3. Effigies were rag dolls that represented unpopular tax collectors. 
    4. The colonists urged merchants to boycott British and European goods.
    5. Thousands of merchants, farmers, and artisans signed nonimportation agreements.
    6. In March 1766, Parliament repealed the Stamp Act. 
  2. The colonists were not allowed to spread west. 
    1. Taxes upon them, without their agreement
  3. They believed that their rights were being violated. The Writs of assistance overstepped the boundaries. 
  4. To try and repay the huge war debt, the British decided to tax the colonists. This challenged the independent attitude that had been growing in America and the idea of a colonial government.
  5. Sugar Act --> Believed their rights as Englishmen were being violated
    1. Stamp Act --> Convinced many colonists of the need for action.
      1. Opposition to the Stamp Act centered on two things
        1. Parliament ha interfered in colonial affairs by taxing the colonists without their consent
        2. In passing the Stamp Act without consulting the colonial legislatures, Parliament ignored colonial tradition of self-government

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