Wednesday, May 2, 2012

World War II

4) How did Britain and France try to prevent war with Germany?
They thought they could avoid war by accepting Germany's demands. At the Munich Conference, the leaders handed Sudetenland over to Germany and in return, Hitler promised not to expand Germany's territory, a promise he later broke (like most of his agreements with other countries).

5) When did Japan attack Pearl Harbor?
Sunday, December 7, 1941 at 7:55 AM

6) What did the government do to ensure that industries produced enough war materials?
They sped up the production time and the wartime production helped restore prosperity to the nation after the long years of the Depression. Civilians who remained in the states had to provide food and shelter for all those in uniform and also provide training, equipment, transportation and medical care.

7) What was Operation Overlord?
As the Soviets pushed the Germans from the east, the Allies were planning a massive invasion of France from the west. General Eisenhower directed the invasion. Eisenhower planned to land his troops on the coast of Normandy on June 5, but rough seas pushed it back a day. on June 6, 1944 (D-Day) the Allied forces landed on the French coast of Normandy. After facing land mines and fierce fire from the Germans for weeks, the Allied troops had landed a million troops in France.

8) Who succeeded Franklin Roosevelt as president?
Harry S Truman after the sudden death of FDR.

9) What actions by the Japanese convinced the United States to use the atomic bomb?
The Allies issued the Potsdam Declaration which warned Japan that if they didn't surrender, they faced 'prompt and utter destruction'. When the Japanese leaders didn't surrender, Truman ordered the use of the bomb.

10) Explain the importance to Hilter of Germany's 1939 non-agression treaty with the Soviet Union. Why do you suppose the Soviet Union signed it?
Hitler wanted to gain control of Poland but was worried that such an attack would anger Stalin because the Soviet Union and Poland border each other. The pact freed Hitler to use force against Poland without fear of Soviet intervention.

Stalin probably signed to treaty because it was early on in the war and people hadn't realized yet that Hitler was completely untrustworthy and went against almost every treaty/pact he made. Stalin

11) Why did the government require rationing during the war?
Americans were given government-issued books of coupons to purchase certain goods such as shoes, tires, gasoline, meat and sugar. When people ran out of the coupons, they had to do without rationed things.

12) Why did the Allies focus first on the war in Europe rather than the war in the Pacific?
They all agreed that Hilter was a much more dangerous and imposing force than the Japanese.

13) Compare the roles that the United States played in world affairs during the 1930s and 1940s.

They became a huge world power at the end of WWII in the 40s.

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