Friday, September 9, 2011

Things to Know for Test

1) What was Columbus looking for?
A passage to the India to retrieve spices and gold

2) Why was a passage to India important for European countries to find?

3) How did the crusades change European and how did it lead to the exploration of the "New World"?

4) How did tobacco change the course of America (particularly the Virginia colony)?

5) Discuss the rise of self-government in America (make sure you note the House of Burgesses, the Mayflower Compact and the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut).

6) How did religion play an essential role in the shaping of the early colonies?

7) Discuss why early colonists came to America (the various reasons - begin to relate these to the American Dream and the American Character).

8) What was the Great Migration?

9) What was the renaissance and how does it fit with the exploration of the Americas?

10) Where the 1st Europeans to the Americas "Explorers" or "Invaders"? Please justify your answer.

11) How did the English distance the relationship between indentured whites and black slaves? Why did they fear a relationship between the two?

12) Please to list at least six colonies and why they were formed (and by what settlers).

13) Know the following people: John Rolfe, John Smith, John Winthrop, Anne Hutchinson, Roger Williams, William Bradford, John Wheelright, Jacques Marquette, Samuel de Champlain, Squanto, Samoset.

14) What is the difference between the Separatists and Puritians?

15) Why were women brought to Virginia in 1619?
They were brought to be sold as wives for the settlers. Their price was 120 pounds of tobacco

16) When did the 1st Africans come to the English colonies? Where? What was the purpose of importing them (be specific)?

17) According to Zinn why were Africans easier to force into labor than Native Americans or poor white immigrants?

18) What were the first 13 colonies?
1607 Virginia (Jamestown
1620/1630 Massachusetts (Plymouth was founded in 1620. Massacusetts as a whole was founded in 1630)
1626 New York
1633 Maryland
1636 Rhode Island
1636 Conneticut
1638 Delaware
1638 New Hampshire
1653 North Carolina
1663 South Carolina
1664 New Jersey
1682 Pennsylvania
1732 Georgia
19) What was important about the Spanish Armada?

Had the Spanish Armada not attacked the English, England would not have defeated them. If they had not defeated the armada, England would not have aided in the discovery of America

20) List the first three colonies in North America, the current United States (note: two are Spanish).
1564 ~ Fort Caroline in Florida
1565 ~ Saint Augustine in Florida
1585 ~ Roanoke Colony in Virginia Colony

21) When was Quebec founded?
Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec in 1608

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Amanda, Hannah & MayMay's notes on 'Don't Know Much About History'

  • In 1492 Columbus sort of discovered America
  • August 3rd 1492  Columbus sailed out of Spain with three ships
    • Nina 
    • Pinta
    • Santa Maria
  • October 12 the crew threatened to mutiny aboard the Pinta when a lookout named Rodrigo sighted moonlight shimmering on some cliffs or sand
    • Columbus took credit for see land because the first man to see land was promised a large reward
  • The only gold he found was in the natives' earrings
  • The only spice he found was tobacco
    • Tobacco was brought to Spain in 1555
  • Columbus's need for gold drove him to enslave the natives
  • Marco Polo's journey to China and back started the fever for adventure, riches and spices
  • Leif Eriksson reached America and established a colony around 1000 A.D.
    • Vinland in present-day Newfoundland
  • Bjarni Herjolfsson was the first European to see North America in 985 or 986
  • Thorfinn Karlsefni set up housekeeping in Eriksson's spot
    • He also faced troubles with the local Eskimos
  • Some people think the Irish sailed to America in the 9th or 10th century
    • No proof!
  • Other myths...
    • A Welshman Modoc established a colony and taught the local Indians to speak Welsh
    • The Oriental people sailed to the coast of California
  • Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot)
    • 1496 he sailed for the British to try and find a trade route to Asia
    • 1498 Cabot disappeared with four ships
  • Juan Ponce de Leon
    • first European to set foot on what would become the United States
    • He was searching for the fountain of youth, but found and named Florida instead
      • He also found Mexico on this voyage
  • Giovanni de Verrazano was employed by the French and he was searching for a strait through the new world that would take him west ward to the Orient. 
    • He reach land at Cape fear in the Carolinas 
    • He sailed up the Atlantic coat until he found Newfoundland and then returned to France. 
  • People arrived in America 30-40 thousand years ago. 
  • People came over from Russia over the land bridge to Alaska 
    • Seeking warmer climate they moved south killing the mammoth along the way. 
  • When Columbus arrived there were millions of first Americans
    • They were divided into hundreds of tribal societies the most advanced being the Mayas. Aztecs and Incas 
  • Columbus and the other European explorers killed off a large percentage of the natives. 
  • Amerigo Vespucci and Alonso de Hojeda sailed to south America in 1499 and reach the mouth of the Amazon. 
  • Had the English not defeated the Spanish Armada they would never have come over to the new world and aided in the discovery of America. 
  • 1499 Amerigo Vespucci sailed for South America and landed in the Amazon. 
  • 1513 Ponce de Leon searching for the fountain of youth, finds and names Florida. 
  • 1531 Pizarro invades Peru and conquers the Incas. 
  • Sebastian Cabot 
    • 1553 he organized a expedition to find a way over the top of Russia (North East passage) 
  • 1576 Sir Humphrey Gilbert first used the phrase North West passage when describing a sea route around North America. 
  • 1578 Martin Frobisher reached the North East coast of Canada. 
  • 1609 Henry Hudson went on the voyage in which he discovered the bay, river, and strait later named after him. 
  • 1585 Sir Walter Raleigh tried to establish a colony on a Roanoke island. 
  • 1586 Sir Francis Drake found the colonist hungry and went back to England to fetch supplies. 
  • Raleigh sent a group of 107 men women and children to Roanoke.
  • 1590 Raleigh returned to Roanoke and no one was there. 
  • 1605 Two groups of merchant formed the joint stock company and petitioned King James I. for the right to colonize Virginia 
    • The Virginia company of London was given southern Virginia 
    • Plymouth company got northern Virginia 
    • They were looking for gold silver and copper 
  • December 20, 1607, 104 colonists left England under Caption John New Port and reached Chesapeake Bay in may, 1607 and founded Jamestown. 
  • Caption John Smith joined Bartholomew Gosnold in 1605 to venture into Virginia. 
  • John Rolfe married Pocahontas which created peace between the Natives and Jamestown
  • In 1612 Rolfe crossed Virginia tobacco with a seed from a milder Jamaican leaf
  • House of Burgesses first met in 1619
    • Burgess
      • a person invested with all the French bourgeois
  •  In 1619 a shipload of women were sent to the New World to be sold as wives for the settlers
    • They sold for 120 pounds of tobacco
  • In 1619, 20 African slaves first came to Jamestown
  • 1620, the pilgrims arrive in Plymouth via the Mayflower
  • Mayflower Compact
    • The first written constitution in North America
  • Squanto saved the settlers from starvation in the following spring after their arrival
  • Samoset helped the Pilgrims make peace with Massasoit and the Wampanoags
  • 1630 john Winthrop establishes Massachuesets
  • 1634, 200 settlers arrive at Chesepeake Bay and found St. Mary's in Maryland
  • 1636 Reverend Thomas Hooker leads a group to conneticut
  • 1636 Roger Williams is banished from Massachusetts and establishes Rhode Island
  • The Dutch founded New Netherland in the Hudson Valley
  • 1626 Dutch established the city of New Amsterdam (later New York) 
  • 1664 English took New Amsterdam from the Dutch
    • It was renamed New York after its new owner, the Duke of York
  • Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec in 1608
  • 1682 William Penn founded Pennsylvania
    • founded to be a safe haven for the Quakers to worship
    • Pennsylvania also permitted religious tolerance for all
  • 1607 Virginia (Jamestown
  • 1620/1630 Massachusetts (Plymouth was founded in 1620. Massacusetts as a whole was founded in 1630
  • 1626 New York
  • 1633 Maryland
  • 1636 Rhode Island
  • 1636 Conneticut
  • 1638 Delaware
  • 1638 New Hampshire
  • 1653 North Carolina
  • 1663 South Carolina
  • 1664 New Jersey
  • 1682 Pennsylvania
  • 1732 Georgia