Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Civil War Test Questions

·         What was the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendment?
o   13th
§  Legally ended slavery
o   14th
§  Made African American citizens of the US
o   15th
§   “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”
§ Gave Black Men the right to vote 
·         How was the 14th Amendment reinterpreted?
o    No state shall discriminate the Blacks because of their race.
       § If you were a business owner, you could do what you wanted
                    § It was a loophole  
·         How was the 15th Amendment interrupted?
·         List ways a slave rebelled.
o    Runway
o  Slow down production (don't work as hard)
o  Physically rebel
        § Not many people did because there was a low success rate
·         Zinn tries to show slavery from a slave’s perspective, what are three things he says?
o    Slavery would not end until the North found it economically ok to end it. It would only end by a slave uprising (unlikely) or when the North intervened. 
o   Even though they sang and danced at night, they weren't happy.
o   Slavery wasn't cruel in some places
o Slaves couldn't be civilized and slavery was a stepping stone to civilization. 
·         After the Civil War how did the South prevent former slaves from attaining power?
·         Why didn't former slaves move after the Civil War?
·         Name two slave uprisings.
o    Nat Turner's Rebellion
o  Conspiracy of Denmark Vey
·         How many people died in the Civil War?
o   620,000 total
        § 2% of population (Mostly male population)
o   Confederates lost 260,000 out of 1 million that enlisted
o   Union lost 360,000 out of 2,300,000 that enlisted
·         Give the dates of the war.
o   April 1861 – April 1865
·         Battles:
o   Gettysburg
§  July 1-3, 1863
·         South surrendered on July 4th
§  Lee’s second invasion of the North
§  Picket’s charge
§  Blood Bath
·         70,000 men lost
o   South lost 28,000
§  Northern Victory
§ Generals
      o Confederate - Robert E. Lee
      o Union - George Meade
§ Turning Point of the War
o   Appomattox Courthouse
§  April 8, 1865
§  Lee surrendered to Grant
§  Lincoln's terms of surrender were very Liberal (he wanted to start the healing)
·         Confederate officers were free to go home with their horses
·         Officers retained their side arms
§  Gives them 3 days worth of rations
§ Basically ends the War
        o When Lee surrendered the South knew it was the end (Lee became symbol for South)
o   Antietam
§  Sept., 17, 1863
§  Bloodiest single day of Battle in American History
§  Northern Victory
§ Lee's Northern Invasion
§  The southern loss discouraged Britain and France from recognizing the South as a country
§  North finally has a victory that allows Lincoln to put the Emancipation Proclamation into effect
§  Even though McClellan had Lee’s battle plans before the battle started, they still fought until a draw
·         Lee retreats though so it is technically a Northern victory
o   Shiloh
§  April 6-7, 1862
§  Fought in lower TN (deep in the South)
§  Confederate forces under General Albert Sidney Johnson surprise attacked Grant’s army
§  Union forces were almost defeated but reinforcements arrived and drove the Confederates off
§  Losses
·         Union
o   13,000 troops
·         Conderate
o   11,000 troops
§  Importance
·         Albert Sidney Johnson dies
o   General who protected the west
o   He lead a series of charges against the Union forces
o   His death caused the Confederates to retreat
·         As one of the first battles of the war there are more casualties than all other previous wars (fought on American soil) combined

o   Bull Run
§  1st Battle
            ·     July 1861
            ·     People picnicked and watched the Union get destroyed
·         Confederate armies under Joe Johnston & Beauregard defeat the Union troops
·         Poor Union generalship is partially to blame for their loss

·         Confederate Victory
·         Stonewall Jackson receives his nickname
§  2nd Battle
·         August 30, 1862
·         Confederate Generals Lee, Jackson & James Longstreet defeat Union forces under General John Pope
·         They forced Union troops to evacuate back to Washington
o   Chancellorsville
§  May 2-4, 1863
§  Losses for both sides exceed 10,000 soldiers
§  Lee’s army defeats Hooker’s army
§  Stonewall Jackson leads an attack from behind, but is mistakenly shot by a Confederate soldier
·         Dies a few days later because of an infection
o   Sherman’s March to the Sea
§  Marched started on November 16, 1863
§  No one was fighting him
§  His orders were to destroy anything in his path so that ‘a crow flying overhead would have to carry his own provisions
·         And he did
·         People:
o   Albert Sidney Johnson
§  Dies in Battle of Shiloh
          § Got shot in the leg and bled out
§ Confederate General
§ Important only because of his loss
         § He was supposed to hold the West
o   Ulysses S. Grant
            § Big Union General
            § Commander in Chief of all US forces
            § Responsible for Lee's surrender
            § People called him the butcher
                     o He lost a lot more men
            §18th President
o   Joe Johnson
            § Eventually takes over the army in TN
            § Surrenders to Sherman at the end of the war
            § Died of pneumonia 
o   Joe Hooker
           § Union General
           § Pretty much beaten by Lee and Stonewall at Chancellorsville (almost demolished)
o   Tecumseh Sherman
          §  Union General
          §  Lead Sherman's March to the Sea
          §  Perfect example of what the North was willing to do to win the war
                    o   Rage total war
o   Robert E. Lee
§  Wins most battle fought on Southern Soil
·         Starts losing battles when he invades the North
§  Confederate General 
§ Commander of forces in Virginia
o   Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson
            §  Confederate General
o   A.P. Hill
o   James Longstreet
o   Booker T Washington
o   Sojourner Truth
o   Harriet Tubman
§  She was born a Maryland slave who made her way to freedom in 1849 only to immediately return to the South to help other slaves escape. She made some 19 trips and helped at least 300 slaves to freedom.
§  During the Civil War she served with Union troops as a cook and a spy behind Confederate lines
o   Frederick Douglas
§  He was an escaped slave that bashed on the war through his own newspaper. He was able to escape because of the Underground Railroad, which was purposely discussed vaguely in his autobiography because he didn’t want to put the people who aided him in danger.
§  During the Civil War, he became an advisor for Lincoln. He recruited soldiers for the Union caused and lobbied for their equal pay. After the war, he accepted numerous government appointments and eventually became the ambassador to Haiti.
·          Why does the author suggest that John Brown had a sense of humor?
o    When there was a $250 bounty on his head, he reciprocated by placing a $2.50 bounty on President Buchanan. 
·          What was John Brown's plan?
o    He was going to take over the arsenal, he had hoped that other slaves would come and fight with him and they would free slaves as they went south. No one showed up and is captured by the Captain.
·         Why did John Brown become a symbol?
o    He was viewed as a martyr for the Northern Abolitionists. 
o  For the South he became a symbol of what was to come 
·         When and why did South Carolina succeed from the Union?
o    December 20, 1860
o   They thought they had a right to leave if they wanted to
o   1st state to succeed
·         List some of the advantages of the North at the beginning of the war. List some of the advantages of the South at the beginning of the war.
·          List some of the (5) famous battles of the Civil War with a brief description of each.
·         How do you view Lincoln's suspension of "the writ of habeas corpus"?
·         What if Lee's plan had not been found at the battle of Antiem?
·         What was the Reconstruction?
o   A series of Acts used to punish the South
§  Divided the South into military regions controlled by Military Governors
§  Set up requirements for the states to be able to come back into the US
§  14th Amendment
·         Made African Americans citizens of the US
·         Gave Black men the right to vote
o   Though white women still couldn’t vote
·         Why did the Ku Klux Klan form?
o   Some white people didn’t like the fact that black people were becoming their equals.  
·         Discuss Andrew Johnson's impeachment.
o    He was a drunk!
o  He tried to remove one of the members of his own cabinet from office. 
o   He was trying to follow Lincoln's plan with a few changes
          §  He was from TN
          §  He was a Democrate
          §  The North didn't really like him
·         How did the Civil War shape our lives today?
o    If the Confederates had won, there would still be slaves. (Obviously)
o  The war ended a few questions that the Revolution didn't
          §  State Rights VS Central Government
          §  Idea of Slavery
          §  Sets forth the idea of equality
          §  Didn't do anything for woman's rights though
·         Name three ways the Civil War changed the South.
o   No more slaves
o   Their economy was dead
§  They had to find a new source of income
·         No slaves to pick their cotton or tobacco
o   They were brought back into the US
o   Their farm lands were ruined
o   It gave rise to what became a time of terror and racism (such as the KKK)
·         What constitutional right did Lincoln suspend?
o   Habeas Corpus
§  Legal action that a prisoner can be released from unfair jailing
o   Lincoln does this for a reason
§  Delaware & Maryland surrounded the Capitol
·         He wanted to make sure that DE & MD didn’t go to the South to protect the Capitol
·         List the four Border States.
o   Kentucky
o   Missouri
o   Delaware
o   Maryland
·         Why did West Virginia form?
o   It was fairly politically divided state, so they split from Virginia
·         What disadvantages did the South face?
o   Not industrialized (out produced)
o   The North had way more soldiers
o   North had more money
o   North had more factories
·         Why did the Confederate States believe they had a right to leave the Union?
o   They thought they had a constitutional right to leave
§  They joined because they wanted to, they thought they could leave because they wanted to
·         What were the three main strategies of the Union at the beginning of the war?
o   Blockade the Docks so the South couldn’t trade with other countries
o   Get the Mississippi River, to make supplies & movement difficult
§  Divide the South in two
o   Take Richmond, VA
§  Capitol of the south
·         What was the average age of soldiers who fought in the Civil War?
o   25
o   41% were 21 or younger
·         What was the outcome of Bull Run?
o   The Union soldiers lost twice
·         Discuss the Battle of Shiloh.
o   Confederates attack the North
o   A draw
o   Confederates retreat
o   Two day battle
§  April 6-7, 1862
o   Confederate forces under General Albert Sidney Johnston attacked Grant’s army
o   Union forces were almost defeated but reinforcements arrived & drove the Confederate army off
·         What were Lincoln’s reasons for the Emancipation Proclamation?
o   He wanted to use it as a political weapon
o   He was trying to make the slaves run away and rebel
§  And they did

·         What did the 13th Amendment do?
o   Officially ended slavery
·         How was the Civil War a rich man’s war but a poor man’s fight?
o   People often paid poor people to fight for them
o   Even in the South the majority of the people who fought in the front lines were poor men who didn’t own slaves.
§  If you were wealthy and fighting, you were probably an officer
o   The war was basically a war for power
§  The South’s goal was to make the war go on and make it a costly war so that the North would quit fighting
§  The North actually had to go into the South and subdue the Union
·         Discuss the draft laws in the north.
o   Rich white men could pay to get out of the draft or they could pay poor white men to fight for them. 
·         Discuss the importance of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg.
o   Both turning points of the war
o   Gettysburg
§  July 1-3, 1864
·         South surrendered on July 4
§  Lee’s second invasion of the North
§  Picket’s charge
§  Blood bath
·         70,000 men lost
o   South lost 28,000
§  Northern Victory
o   Chancellorsville
§  Southern victory
§  South defeats ‘Fighting’ Joe Hooker
§  Stonewall Jackson got himself shot and killed
·         In the left arm
·         Dies a few days later because on an infection from the amputation
§  Jackson was Lee’s best General
§  “He lost his left hand but I have lost my right.”
§  Lee was basically running away from Grant for the rest of the War
·         How did Sherman use “Total War” against the South?
o   During his March, he destroyed everything in his path
o   He wanted to shut down all of the South’s resources by destroying everything in his path
§  And he did
·         Who were the Presidents of the Confederacy and the United States during the Civil War?
o   Union
§  Abraham Lincoln
o   Confederate
§  Jefferson Davis
o   Both born in Kentucky
·         What, exactly, did the Emancipation Proclamation do?
o   It was a political weapon that Lincoln used after the Northern victory at Antieam
o   It freed all slaves in territories still in rebellion under Confederate control
o   Lincoln wanted slaves to either runaway to the North or rebel

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Civil War ~ Quiz/Project Next Week!

  •  People
    • Winfield Scott
    • Robert E Lee
      • Wins most battles fought on Southern soil
      • Starts losing battles when he invades the North

    • U.S. Grant
    • Stonewall Jackson
    • Jeb Stuart
    • General Sherman
    • Fighting Joe Hooker
    • Joe Johnson
    • *Albert Sidney Johnson
      • Dies in Battle of Shiloh

    • George McCellan
    • John Willkes Booth
  • Battles
    • Bull Run
      • 1st Battle
        • Confederate armies under Joseph Johnston and Beauregard rout Union troops. Poor Union generalship is partially to blame for their loss. 
        • Confederate Victory 
        • Stonewall Jackson receives his nickname
      • 2nd Battle
        • August 30, 1862
        • Confederate Generals Lee, Jackson and James Longstreet defeat Union forces under General John Pope. They forced Union troops to evacuate back to Washington
    • Shiloh
      • Fought in lower TN
      • Two day battle
        • April 6-7 1862
      • Confederate forces under General Albert S. Johnson attacked Grant's army.  Union forces are almost defeated but reinforcements arrive and drive the Confederate army off. 
      • Losses
        • Union
          • 13,000 troops
        • Confederate
          • 11,000 troops
      • Importance
        • Death of Albert Sidney Johnson
          • General who protects the west
          • He leads a series of charges against the Union forces
          • His death causes the Confederates to retreat
        • As one of the first battles of the war their are more casualties than all previous American war combined
    • Antietam
      • September 17, 1863
      • Bloodiest single day of Battle in American History
        • More casualties in all previous American Wars combined.
      • Northern Victory
      • The Southern loss discourages Britain and France from recognizing the South as a country
      • North finally has a victory that allows Lincoln to put the Emancipation Proclamation into effect
      • McClellan has Lee's battle plans before the war starts, but still fights until a draw.
        • Lee retreats leading to a Northern Victory
    • Chancellorsville
      • May 2-4, 1863
      • Losses for both sides exceed 10,000 soldiers
      • Lee's army defeats Hooker's army
      • Stonewall Jackson leads an attack from behind, but is mistakenly shot by a Confederate soldier
    • Gettysburg
      • Lee's second invasion of the North
      • Picket's charge
      • Blood Bath
        • 70,000 men lost
          • South loses 28,000
      • Northern Victory
      • 3 days of battle
        • July 1-3 1863
        • On July 4, the South surrenders
    • Chickamauga
      • September 19-20, 1863
      • Union Armies led by Generals William Rosencrans & George H. Thomas
      • Confederates led by General Braxton Bragg
      • Confederate victory
      • Losses
        • Union
          • 16,000 men
        • Confederate
          • 18,000 men
      • Union army retreats to Chattanooga
      • Importance
        • Bragg's only victory in war
        • Forces Union to retreat
        • Shows the rise of General Thomas
    • Cold Harbor
      • June 3, 1864
      • Grant attacked Lee's army and loses 
      • Importance
        • "This is not a war, this is murder."
        • Grant realizes that the way to break down Lee, is to fight him day after day, to deplete his supply of men
      • Appomattox Courthouse
        • April 8, 1864
        • Lee surrendered to Grant 
        • The terms of surrender were generous
          • Confederate officers were free to go home wih their horses 
          • Officers may retain their sidearms
            • though their equipment must be 
          • Gives them 3 days worth of rations
      • Sherman's March to the Sea
        • November 16, 1864 March started
        • No one was fighting him
        • His orders were to destroy anything in his pass so that a crow flying overhead would have to carry his own provisions. 
        • Completely destroyed anything and everything in his path

    • Other Questions
      • Civil War has the most Casualties of any American War to date.
      • Cost of the War 
        • Union
          • 360,000 soldiers out of 2,324,561 enlisted
          • $6 million 
        • Confederate
          • 260,000 soldiers out of the 1 million enlisted
          • $3 million
        • Total
          • 620,000 men (out of 3.3 million enlisted)
            • Just number of people that died. not including wounded, POWs and the MIA
          • $7 million
      • What was the Reconstruction?
        • A series of acts used to punish the South.
          • Divided the south into military regions controlled by Military Governors
          • Set up requirements for the states to be able to come back into the US
          • Amendment 14
            • Made African Americans citizens of the US
            • Gave Black men the right to vote
              • White women still don't have the right to vote
      • Why did the North win the War?
        • They outproduced the south.
        • They outnumbered the South
        • Had a successful blockade
        • South couldn't gain foreign recognition
        • North's idea to wage total war and destroy everything in their paths
      • How did the Civil War shape our lives today? 

      • Name three ways the Civil War changed the South.
        • No more slaves
        • They were brought back into the country 
        • Their economy was dead. They had to find a new source of income (no slaves to pick their cotton or tobacco)
        • Their farmlands were ruined
        • It gives rise to what becomes terror and racism (KKK)
      • What constitutional right did Lincoln suspend?
        • Habeas Corpus "You may have the body"
          • Legal action that a prisoner can be released from unfair jailing 
        • Lincoln does this for a reason
          • Delaware and Maryland surround the Capitol
          • He wanted to make sure that DE and MD don't go to the South to protect the capitol
      • List the four border states.
        • Kentucky
        • Missouri
        • Delaware
        • Maryland
      • Why did West Virginia form?
        • It was a fairly politically divided state, so they split from Virginia
      • What disadvantages did the South face?
        • Not industrialized (out produced)
        • The North had way more soldiers
        • North had more Money
        • North had more factories
      • Why did the Confederate States believe they had a right to leave the Union?
        • They thought they had a constitutional right to leave.
          • They joined because they wanted to, they can leave because they want to.
        • The didn't think that the North had the right to control their states. They believed in State rights
      • Why did the South Secede? 
        • They wanted to keep their slaves. They feared the Lincoln was the figure of black emancipation
          • They didn't think he had the constitutional right to free slaves
          • They were afraid of what he symbolized
        • They were afraid of what Lincoln might do
        • They wanted to control their own resources and didn't want to the North to bring their industrialism to the South 
        • The South didn't like to be told what to do
      • What were the three main strategies of the Union at beginning of war?
        • Blockade the Docks so the South couldn't trade with other countries
        • Get the Mississippi River, to make supplies and movement difficult
          • Divide the South in two
        • Take Richmond, VA
          • Capitol of South
      • What was the average age of soldiers who fought in the Civil War?
        • 25
        • 41% were 21 or younger
      • What was the outcome of Bull Run?
        • The Union soldiers lost twice.
      • Discuss the Battle of Shiloh.
        • Confederates attacks the North
        • A draw. 
        • Confederates retreat.
        • Two day battle
          • April 6-7 1862
        • Confederate forces under General Albert S. Johnson attacked Grant's army.  Union forces are almost defeated but reinforcements arrive and drive the Confederate army off. 
        • Losses
          • Union
            • 13,000 troops
          • Confederate
            • 11,000 troops
      • What were Lincoln’s reasons for the Emancipation Proclamation?
        • Emancipation Proclamation really does nothing. 
        • He wanted to use it as a political weapon. 
        • It frees all the slaves in territories still in rebellion under Confederate control. 
        • He was trying to make the slaves run away and rebel.
          • And they did.
        • It also put a fear in the men that there might be a slave uprising. 
        • It was a scare tactic. 
      • What did the 13th Amendment do?
        • Officially ended slavery.
          • Last state to ratify the 13'th Amendment was KY
      • How was the Civil War a rich man’s war but a poor man’s fight?
        • The war was basically for power. 
        • The South's goal was to make the war go on and make it a costly war so that the North would quit fighting
        • The North actually had to go into the South and subdue the Union
        • People often paid poor people to fight for them. 
        • Even in the South the majority of the people who fought in the front lines were poor men who didn't own slaves. If you were wealthy and fighting, you were probably an officer. 
      • Discuss the draft laws in the north.

      • Discuss the importance of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg.
        • Both turning points of the war
        • Gettysburg
          • Lee's second invasion of the North
          • Picket's charge

          • Blood Bath
            • 70,000 men lost
              • South loses 28,000
          • Northern Victory
          • 3 days of battle
            • July 1-3 1863
            • On July 4, the South surrenders
        • Chancellorsville
          • Southern victory
          • South defeats 'Fighting' Joe Hooker
          • Stonewall Jackson gets himself shot (in left arm; dies from infection from amputation) and killed though
          • Jackson was Lee's best General
            • "He was lost his left hand, but I have lost my right."
        • Lee was basically running away from Grant for rest of the War
      • How did Sherman use “Total War” against the South?
        • During his March he destroyed everything in his path. 
        • He wanted to shut down all of the South's recourses by destroying everything in his path.
        • The way you defeat a country's willingness to support a war is take it to the people
          • Make them not want to support the war anymore
      • Who were the Presidents of the Confederacy and the United States during the Civil War?
        • Abraham Lincoln (Union) and Jefferson Davis (Confederate)
        • Both born in Kentucky
      • What, exactly, did the Emancipation Proclamation do?
        • It was a political weapon that Lincoln uses after the Northern victory at Antietam.
        • It frees all the slaves in territories still in rebellion under Confederate control.
        • Lincoln wanted slaves to either run away to the North or rebel