Monday, April 16, 2012

WWI - The Great Depression

·      Amendments 15-19
o   15th – Prohibits the denial of suffrage based of race or previous condition of servitude
o   16th – Allows the federal government to collect income tax
o   17th – Establishes the direct election of US Senators by popular vote
o   18th _ Prohibition of alcohol
o   19th – Establishes women’s suffrage
·      What is important about Henry Ford? How did he change America?
o   Henry Ford
§  First person to effectively use the assembly line
§  Was able to mass produce cars effectively, efficiently, and cheaply
§  Raised his workers pay so they would be able to afford cars
o   He made cheap cars that everyone could afford
o   Road system came to be
·      What is important about Charles Lindbergh? How did he symbolize the times?
o   First man to fly solo across the Atlantic
o   Became a national hero
o   Entire country rallied in support/proudness behind him
o   The event wasn’t amazingly significant, but the nationalism and patriotism it inspired in American it was
·      What were "pool operators" and how were they crooked?
o   Political Bosses
o   They gained voted for their parties by doing favors for people
§  Turkey dinners
§  Summer boat rides
§  Providing jobs for immigrants
§  Helping needy families
·      How were stocks inflated? How did this cause the crash?
o   Newer thing – at least for the general public
o   People were buying stocks for companies that weren’t actually off the ground
o   You didn’t have to pay it directly
§  You could paid a percentage
·      10-20%
o   Crash
§  A lot of people were buying stock on a margin, there would eventually be a problem
·      What was Black Thursday and Black Tuesday?
o   Thursday
§  October 24, 1929
§  The day that panicked traders sold almost 13 million shares
§  The day the stock market began to crash
o   Tuesday
§  October 29, 1929
§  More than 16 million shares had changed hands and stock prices had plummeted
§  The stock market had officially crash
o   Stock prices fell and in five days, over 29 million shares were sold
·      What was Hoover's view of Government relief programs?
o   He believed that relief programs were communistic and socialistic
o   Business would rewrite its self
§  They would be able to pull themselves out of the Depression
·      What was the "Bonus Army"? What did it do? What happened to it? 
o   Jobless WWI veterans wanted their promised $1,000 bonuses right away (instead of in 1945)
o   So they marched to Washington D.C. and camped out
§  They were forced out of D.C. by violence
§  They were denied their money
·      What happened during the "Hundred Days"?
o   His first hundred days in office
§  He sent 15 proposals to Congress and everyone was passed
o   A special session of Congress that Roosevelt called to launch his programs to attempt to rebuild the country
o   Laws:
§  Civilian Conservation Corps
§  Tennessee Valley Authority
§  Federal Emergency Relief Administration
§  Agricultural Adjustment Administration
§  National Recovery Administration
§  Public Works Administration
§  Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
§  Rural Electrification Administration
§  Works Progress Administration
§  Social Security Act
§  Farm Security Administration
§  Fair Labor Standards Act
·      What was the WPA and what did it do?
o   Works Progress Administration
o   Employed millions of unskilled workers to carry out public works projects
·      What were some programs set up during the Depression that are still with us today?
o   Social Security Act
o   Government Insured Banks
o   Fair Labor Standards Act
·      What were Roosevelt's FIRESIDE CHATS and why did they become important?
o   His radio discussions
§  He would sit by the fire and talk about his views on the radio
·      Most people would listen to them by the fire too
o   The people felt like they were talking to the people directly
o   Roosevelt is the first president to use mass media to get his ideas across to the nation
§  People could hear the president speak without having to attend the speech
o   They were confident builders
§  During the depression his chats lifted people’s spirits and let them know that the government was working to fix the economy
§  They let people know that they would get through this together
·      Discuss the philosophical reasons World War I began.
o   Serbian search for independence
o   Nationalism
·      What was the initial spark that began World War I?
o   The assassination of Arch-Duke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary
§  He was murdered by a Serbian
·      Who were the allies? Who were the central powers?
o   Allies:
§  British
§  French
§  United States
§  Ireland
§  Portugal
§  Italy
§  Montenegro
§  Albania
§  Greece
§  Romania
§  Russia (for awhile)
§  Cyprus
§  Japan
§  Serbia
o   Central Powers:
§  Germany
§  Ottoman Empire
§  Austria-Hungary
§  Bulgaria
·      List five advancements in technology that lead to high causalities.
o   Poisonous Gas
o   Tanks
o   Airplanes
o   Machine guns
o   German U-Boats
·      Describe trench warfare.
o   You dig a trench and hide in it and shoot at the opposing side
§  The trench helped guaranty that your head wouldn’t get shot off as long as you stayed in the trench.
o   After the Battle of the Marne, trench warfare was a major tactic used for the rest of the war
·      What was the Lusitania?
o   British passenger ship that the Germans torpedoed
§  Germans thought that it was carrying weapons (later discovered that it was) and decided to sink it
§  There were 100 some American passengers on it
·      Why did America eventually enter the war (list two reasons)?
o   Zimmerman’s Telegram
§  The Germans had tried to bribe the Mexican’s into fighting for them.
§  Germans told the Mexicans that if they fought for the Germans, then they would be able to get their land back that was lost to the Americans in the Mexican-American War
o   War costs money!!
§  There was an economic boom
·      When was the Russian Revolution?
o   March 1917
·      Discuss the importance of the Battle of the Marne.
o   September 5-12, 1914
o   Marne River a few miles east of Paris
o   Saved Paris from German invasion and boosted French morale
o   Made it clear that neither side was going to with the war easily or quickly
o   Set up trench warfare to be huge for the rest of the war
·      How did World War I change the United States?
o   The US comes out economically stronger
o   Emerges from the war as one of the World Powers
§  Chooses to remain normal
·      Discuss the Treaty of Versailles. What did it do? Why did the U.S. reject it?
o   June 28, 1919
o   Germany had to:
§  Accept FULL responsibility for the war
§  Pay billion of dollars in reparations to the Allies
§  Disarm completely
§  Give up its overseas colonies and some territory in Europe
o   Carved up the Austro-Hungarian and Russian Empires to create new nations or restore old ones
o   US Rejection
§  Some Americans thought the treaty was too harsh
§  Henry Cabot Lodge thought that if the US joined the League of Nations that American troops and ships might be called to any part of the world by a nation other than the US
·      Who was Marcus Garvey? What were his ideas? 
o   Big Black guy
o   He was born into a poor family from Jamaica to New York when he was in his 20s.
o   He wanted to send Black people BACK to Africa
§  The KKK backed him up
·      He wanted to send the African American’s back to Africa OUT of America
·      How was Harding's Presidency corrupt?
o   After he was president, he admitted that he didn’t know what he was doing
o   He appointed his buddies as his cabinet members
§  Ohio Gang
o   Harding himself wasn’t corrupt but his buddies were
·      How did the 20s change America? (think consumer society, entertainment, sports, fashion, politics)
o   Prohibition
o   Speakeasies
o   Flappers
o   Babe Ruth
o   Miss America Pageant
o   Tabloid-style newspapers
o   Movies
§  First silent and then ‘talkies’
·      What was the Harlem Renaissance? List three members. How did prohibition lead to the raise of organized crime? Who was Al Capone?
o   Harlem Renaissance
§  A literary and cultural movement that began right after the end of WWI
§  Large numbers of African Americans moved North in search of jobs and new opportunities
§  African Americans were encouraged to celebrate their heritage and to become “The New Negro”
§  Members
·      Langston Hughes
·      Countee Cullen
o   Some of his poems question the b
·      Claude McKay
o   Prohibition
§  Many people started making wine or bathtub gin in their homes,
§  Speakeasies came about
§  People started bootlegging because they realized there was a lot of money that could be made
o   Al Capone
§  American gangster
§  Bootlegger
§  Controlled organized crime and local politics in Chicago
·      What was the Dust Bowl? 
o   Drought in the middle of the country!
o   Hardest hit areas were:
§  Western Kansas
§  Western Oklahoma
§  Northern Texas
§  Eastern Colorado
§  Eastern New Mexico
o   Farmers used tractors and disc plows to clear millions of acre of sod for wheat farming
§  They didn’t know that the roots of the grass had held the soil in place
§  During the severe drought when the crops dried up, the soil dried up as well
§  Strong prairie winds blew the soil away too.
·      Discuss entertainment during the 1930s?
o   Silent films
o   Talkies
o   Radio shows
o   Sports radio shows
§  People could hear the game without being there
·      Who was Huey Long? What did he promise people?
o   Senator of Louisiana
o   Started out supporting FDR but then the men disagreed
o   Share Our Wealth Plan
§  Heavy taxation of the rich
§  Make sure every poor American a house, a car and yearly income of $2,500
o   Polls indicated that he may beat Roosevelt if he hadn’t been assassinated in 1935
·      How did Roosevelt try and stack the Supreme Court?
o   He wanted to make it so there were 15 members of the Supreme Court instead of 9
o   He would get to pick the other six members
o   To have majority vote, he would only need two people (other than 6 he picked) to agree with him